Solo Exhibitions

2024 Astral Glow Kristen Lorello, New York, NY

2024 Super Luster, Auxiliary Projects, Brooklyn, NY 

2020 Tight Fit, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY
2017 Afterglow, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY
2015 Changing Landscapes, Horace Williams House, Chapel Hill, NC 
2014 Ripe, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
2011 The Rutting Season, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2009 Kill the Beast, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions

Zero Art Fair, Elizaville, NY 

Social Photography XI, Carriage Trade, New York, NY


Social Photography X, Carriage Trade, New York, NY
Winter Wonderland, Front Room Gallery Hudson, Hudson, NY 
Distorted Realities, Front Room Gallery Hudson, Hudson, NY 
At the Party, I Like Your Work, online 
Covid Haus, Mother in Law's, Germantown, NY

49.5, 601 Artspace, New York, NY

FR: 20, Part II, Figurative vs. Abstract, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY
Benefit for Hampshire College, Mrs. Gallery, Queens, NY
Art On Paper, with MULHERIN, New York, NY

Anchors, NO FOUNDATION/MULHERIN, Toronto, Canada
Annual Auction, Flux Factory, Long Island City, NY
Representation X Representation, Klaus Von Nichtssagend, New York, NY
Social Photography VI, Carriage Trade, New York, NY
Pattern In Landscape, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY

Everything You've Ever Wanted, Agency, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, New York, NY
can't touch this, Mulherin New York, NY
American/Woman, Katharine Mulherin, Spring/Break Art Show, New York, NY

The Ballot Show, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
The Split Between the Eye and the Gaze, Kunstraum, Brooklyn, NY

The Show Me State, Auxiliary Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
Your Presence Is Requested, Resobox, Long Island City, NY 
Shop Show, FAIS, Long Island City, NY 
Making History, Storefront Van Eyck, Brooklyn, NY
Single, Local Project, Long Island City, NY

FR:15, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
Derby, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn, NY
WAGMAG Benefit, Kunsthalle Galapagos, Brooklyn, NY

Fruit and Vegetable Stand Project 2, curated by Paul Branca, Queens, NY  
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Summer Show, Rice/Polak Gallery, Provincetown, MA
Momenta Benefit, Momenta Art, Brooklyn, NY
Your Content Will Return Shortly, Franklin Street Works, Stamford, CT 
territorial re-marks, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Interspecies, Gallery Project, Ann Arbor, MI

Fruit and Vegetable Stand Project, curated by Paul Branca, Queens, NY 
territorial re-marks, Articule, Montreal, Canada 
The Ballot Show, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
Black Foliage, curated by Matt Craven, NUDASHANK, Baltimore, MD
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Site95 benefit, Present Company, Brooklyn, NY
Momenta Benefit, Momenta Art Brooklyn, NY
Hunger Is Real, H.E.N.S. Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
Alarums and Excursions, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY 
WAGMAG Benefit, Causey Contemporary, Brooklyn, NY
Fuse Works, Central Connecticut State University's Art Gallery in New Britan, CT

Parlour No. 19, Par Avion, Parlour, Siena, Italy
Fountain, Miami 2010
Animal Instinct: Allegory, Allusion, and Anthropomorphism, John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI
Flesh and Bone, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL
Day Planners, Clutch Gallery, Chicago, IL (two-person)
Born To Die, Second Home Projects/Temp IX, Berlin, Germany, curated by Jay Henderson
Space of Mind, works on paper, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
The Artist at Work, Recess Activities Inc, New York, NY
Portable Caves, HKJB, LIC, NY, curated by Jay Henderson and Ben King
BYOA, X-Initiative, New York, NY

10th Anniversary Exhibition, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Parlour No. 9, Open Season, Parlour, New York, NY
ExpandTheRoom, Spin Magazine, New York, NY
Future Days, Rafik, New York, NY
Quality Service, The Cooper Union, New York, NY

Good Times, Bad Times, Gardenfresh, Chicago, IL (two-person)
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, 31Grand, New York, NY

Summer Salon, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
HotHouse, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Manipulations, Landmark Arts Gallery, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Fountain, New York, NY
Multiples and Editions, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Walk of Fame, Front Room Gallery , Brooklyn, NY (two-person)
Summer Sampler, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
PodART II, 31Grand at Fine Art in Space, New York, NY
Fountain, New York, NY

Summer Salon, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Screen Grabs, Subdivision, New York, NY

Collected: Art Faculty Art, John Hartell Gallery, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Combined Talents, Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, FL
WMD, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY

Eleven Bulls: NYCinDC, Decatur Blue, Washington DC
Night of 1000 Drawings, Artist Space, New York, NY
Majority Rules , Free Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland, curators: Letha Wilson, Tara McDowell

Banner Project, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
girl show, Front Room Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
photo.soho, Exit Art, New York, NY

Plain Brown Wrapper, ABC No Rio, New York, NY
International Juried Exhibition, NJ Center For Visual Arts, Summit, NJ, curator: Lisa Dennison

New Artists from Cranbrook Alumni, Cranbrook Art Museum, Michigan, curator: Michelle Grabner
Trans-, Network Gallery, Pontiac, MI
Trans- Korea, NC Gallery, Pusan, Korea

Detroit Filmmakers Coalition Screening, Detroit, MI
Let’s Get Small Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Freaky Friday, Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Emerging Artists Janice Epstein Gallery, West Bloomfield, MI
What’s in the Air Kansas City Artist Coalition, Kansas City, MO
If You Lived Here You’d be Home By Now Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Fiber ‘96 Textile Art Centre, Chicago, IL
Surfacing Visions, Autzen Gallery, Portland, OR
Fyberspace Galleria Mesa, Mesa, AZ, Juror’s Award

AZWest, Wagon Station Encampment, 2016, Joshua Tree, CA

Butler, Sharon, Editor's Pick, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide, Dec 2024, Dec 1, 2024 (repr.)

Kelly, Brian P., Wall Street Journal, "Zero Art Fair, Where the Work is Free," July 12, 2024 (repr.)

Butler, Sharon, Editor's Pick, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide, May 2024, May 3, 2024 (repr.)

Clavarino, Elena, "Emily Roz, Tight Fit," Air Mail Weekly, Issue 48, June 13, 2020

Schwendener, Martha, The New York Times, "2 Art Gallery Shows to Explore From Home," May 22, 2020 (print edition repr.)

Cascone, Sarah, The 30 Hottest Group Shows to See in New York This Summer, artnet, July 3, 2017

Butler, Sharon, Editor's Pick, Two Coats Selected Gallery Guide, June 2017, June 3, 2017

Disser, Nicole, Bedford and Bowery, Best of Spring/Break: Trump Comics, Disco Queens, and Alcoholtopia, March 8, 2017

Greenberg, Blue, The Herald Sun, "In Chapel Hill, 'Intersections' and 'Landscapes' December 20, 2015

Williams, Henry, greenspotblue, "Art: Ripe by Emily Roz" December 2, 2014

Bakshani, Nikkitha, Village Voice, "Ten Things To Do This Weekend" November 7, 2014

Kearns, Cheryl, Magnolia Society International, newsletter and blog, "MSI Member Artist Features Magnolia in One-Woman Show in New York", November 2014

Lee, Nathanial,, Critics Pick, "Your Content Will Return Shortly", Franklin Street Works, March 2013

The New York Times, Art Listings, (with image), February 24, 2013, page 10

Siegel, Miranda, Art Agenda listing and editor's pick, New York Magazine, February 4, 2013, page 83

Kreisinger, Elisa, "Art of the Analog Supercut", Pop Culture Pirate, January 29, 2013

Gargan, Scott, "Exhibition looks at the 'in between moments' of TV viewing", The Connecticut Post, January 17, 2013

Delgado, Jerome, "Épidémie culturelle", Le Devoir, November 10, 2012

Tousignant, Isa, "Montreal-Brooklyn Brings Two Scenes Together", The Montreal Buzz, November 2, 2012

Clément, Éric, "Re-Marquer le territoire á Articule: topographie identitaire",, October 25, 2012

Samelson, Henry, Buddy of Work, blog post, July 13, 2012

Siegel, Miranda, Art Agenda listing and recommendation, New York Magazine, July 9, 2012, page 70

Huang, Chennie, "Nature", CHReviews, July 3, 2012

Adams, Wayne, Emily Roz "The Rutting Season", Site95, Volume 01, Issue 01, January 2012

Sutton, Benjamin, Editor's Pick, L Magazine, September 14-27, 2011, Volume 9, Number 19, page 49

Siegel, Miranda, Art Agenda listing, New York Magazine, September 5, 2011, page 149

Gomez, Enrico, "September Openings in Brooklyn", WAGMAG, September 2011

Ruby Mag #47, Argentina, featured artist, September 2010

Toth, Richard, "Emily Roz, Artist", Joy Quarterly, Issue 4, Summer 2009, pages 24-31

Katz, Vincent, "The Women's Room", Apollo Magazine, May 2009, pages 58-59

Morse, Trent, Emily Roz “Kill the Beast” W+G Williamsburg News + Art, April 2009

Siegel, Miranda, Art Agenda listing, New York Magazine, March 2, 2009

Furnari, Rachel, “Good Times, Bad Times”, New City Chicago, March 20, 2008

Tin Parachute Postcard Review, Issue 5, featured artist, December 2007

Cyphers, Peggy, “Manipulations”, catalog essay, Manipulations, June 2007

Kalm, James and LaRocco, Ben “Art Basel Miami Beach 2006”, The Brooklyn Rail, February 2007

Bridge Art Fair, Miami, FL, catalog, December 2006 

Clements, Erin, “Die Another Day”, Time Out New York, August 17-23, 2006 

Nova Art Fair, Chicago, IL, catalog, April 2006

Lemur, Maia, “Fountain”, Juxtapoz, March 13, 2006

The Brooklyn Rail, September 2004, Cover

Powhida, William,  “WMD, Front Room Gallery”, The Brooklyn Rail, July/August 2004

Dawson, Jessica, “Eleven Bulls, Charging Into Town”, The Washington Post, Oct. 17, 2002 

1998          MFA Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
1992-93     Penland School of Crafts, Penland NC
1994          BA Hampshire College, Amherst, MA